Which machines can be shredded with our GROSS machines?
A short explanation to the materials that can be shredded directly in our GROSS machines
Our core competency is wood. Here close to every filament of the raw material can be used. The shredded wood can then be used directly as recovery of recyclables on producing energy or pressed as briquettes to be stored.
Paper i.e., wastepaper, confidential documents, records, and cardboard boxes can be shredded and so in parts recycled. Here is a big potential, the more gets recycled and less wood is needed for production.
Also, plastics can be shredded in its different forms and can be recycled. Thermoplastics such as polyethylene, PVC, Polypropylene and PET can be shredded as well as various thermosets and some elastomers.
A diversity of waste such as post-consumer waste and industrial waste but also production waste as well as bulky waste can be shredded with our suitable machines and so compress its volume.